Updated findings on the efficacy of combined ketamine Infusion and cervical sympathetic blockade to treat PTSD/TBI
Cervical sympathetic blockade (CSB) produces a 44% reduction of suicidal ideation
Ketamine plus CSB likely more effective in reducing the symptoms of PTSD and depression
Letter to Editor: retrospective analysis of 23 patients with TBI successfully treated using bilateral, 2-Level SGB
Letter to Editor: Reversing increased anxiety following left-sided SGB to treat PTSD
Unanticipated elimination of bulimia symptoms after a cervical sympathetic block for treating PTSD
Successful treatment of Special Forces soldier with bTBI (blast TBI) & PTSD; w/ one-year follow up
Survey of 3000 patients shows name change form PTSD to PTSI would reduce stigma, increase hope, improve access to care
Two couples successfully treated with DSR; men w/primary PTSD, women w/secondary PTSD; documented by brain scans
(Selected pre-2023)
First paper to document SGB to treat PTSD; cervical sympathetic blockade in a patient with post-traumatic stress symptoms (2008)
Hypothetical explanation of the effect SGB on PTSD and hot flashes (2009)
Pulsed Radiofrequency for PTSD/PTSI (2010)
Cortisol, SGB and memory (2012)
Decreased memory dysfunction in patients w/ co-occurring PTSD/PTSI and excessive alcohol use after SGB (2012)
SGB use in pediatric psychiatric conditions (2015)
Reversal of male sexual dysfunction w/ PTSD using SGB (2016)
SGB for ulcerative colitis (2017)
Possible reversal of in DNA re: PTSD/PTSI after SGB (2017)
Effect of SGB on immune system (2020)
Origins of SGB for PTSD, the use of left and right SGB, letter to the editor (2021)
Origins of left-side SGB for PTSD/PTSI (2021)
Efficacy of SGB/DSR to treat PTSD/PTSI in 22 types of trauma (2022)
First description of SGB impact on a suicidal patient (2013)
Large follow-up study of 166 patients with PTSD/PTSI, treated by SGB (2014)
Long Beach VA pre- and post-SGB brain scan show reversal of PTSD/PTSI (2015)
Johns Hopkins review of SGB to treat PTSD (2016)
Official VA position on SGB for PTSD/PTSI (2017)
Three-site military study shows SGB 2x more effective than placebo (2019)
Behavioral health clinicians endorse SGB for treatment of trauma- related disorders (2021)
Ultrasound-guided SGB combined with pharmacological treatment for rosacea (2024)
Stellate ganglion block in disparate treatment-resistant mental health disorders: A case series (2024)
Three-Month Durability of Bilateral Two-Level SGB in Patients with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (2025)
Initial conclusions find SGB an attractive therapeutic modality for Long COVID (2021)
NYU Langone Health examines brain scans, before and after DSR (2021)
Stella study, reversal of biological (and aging) effect of PTSD/PTSI by DSR (2023)
First documentation of SGB to treat hot flashes (2005)
Lancet publishes updated findings on the effects of SGB to treat hot flashes and night awakenings in survivors of breast cancer (2008)
Effects of SGB on vasomotor symptoms (VMS) in post-menopausal women (2014)