Brain, Hope, Reality: PTSI Not PTSD

The struggles of post-traumatic stress (PTS) survivors are the result of a biological change.

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About the Podcast

Many survivors of severe psychological trauma suffer from a diverse set of troubling emotions that are compounded by harrowing behavioral conditions. And too often, the impact takes a destructive toll on lives. When identified, the condition of post-traumatic stress (PTS) is usually thought of / talked about / diagnosed as a “disorder.” That’s unfortunate and it’s incorrect.

Brain, Hope, Reality: PTSI not PTSD, a new podcast by Dr. Eugene Lipov, shines a light on a relatively new understanding that connects the mental and emotional struggles of post-traumatic stress (PTS) to a biological change — one that is observable and measurable in the brains of survivors. And yes, it’s treatable!

Throughout the series, you can expect to hear from patients that Dr. Lipov cares for, trauma experts, and even some insights from the world of neuroscience — all presented in an easily digestible, non-clinical way. Stay tuned!

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VIDEO THUMBNAIL IMAGE: Brain, Hope, Reality: PTSI Not PTSD | A Podcast by Dr. Eugene Lipov | Episode 6



GUEST: Stephen W. Porges, Ph.D., Founding Director of the Traumatic Stress Research Consortium


GUEST: Kateryna Turkevych, WeShield and


GUEST: Jen Satterly, CEO of All Secure Foundation & Virago / Author of Arsenal of Hope


GUEST: Dr. Frank Ochberg, a founding father of trauma science

EPISODE 2, Postscript

GUEST: Devon Larrat, Champion Arm Wrestler, Special Forces Vet and his wife, Jodi Larrat


GUEST: Devon Larrat, Champion Arm
Wrestler, Special Forces Vet

VIDEO THUMBNAIL IMAGE: Brain, Hope, Reality: PTSI Not PTSD | A Podcast by Dr. Eugene Lipov | Episode 1


GUEST: Brian Leblanc, Canadian Armed Forces